Thursday, December 24, 2009

query letter

327 North 12th Street
Nederland, Texas

August 13, 2004

Jason Gaudet & Claushtane Bertron
Sangsara Enterprises
3756 Kinard Street
Groves, Texas

Dear Mr./Mrs. X:

We have recently co-authored to completion a science fiction/fantasy novel entitled The Gaian Fallacy and we hope you will consider taking us on as clients, with the goal of selling it to a major American publisher.

This novel blends literary aesthetics with a dark abstraction of science fiction/fantasy world building, and it will appeal to the same audience that has made best sellers of works by Kurt Vonnegut, R. A. Salvatorie, and Frank Herbert.

There are independent but intertwining eras revolving around the influence of four universal precepts governing all action of the known universe. These principles are realized in various eras under three different civilizations.

The predominate theme in the novel is the life force of a goddess named Gaia who is the source of all balance, and is the impetus for creation as well as the catalyst for the beginning of evolution and adaptation. Subsequently, there are multiple conspiracy plots to attempt the removal of her spirit from the nature of life both from entities in the future as well as the established pillars of the past.

This is actualized by the utilization of multiple strong characters that are derived from the influences of high philosophy such as the works of Frederich Nietzche, Goethe’s Faust, Schopenhuaer, as well as many existential paradigms.

In the end these interwoven eras collide with intensity in a catastrophic event known as the scalping that nearly destroys all but the most prized virtues that form the infrastructure of the Gaiatic core belief system.

You are the first agent we have queried, and we thank you for taking the time to consider The Gaian Fallacy.

In respect,

Jason Gaudet & Claushtane Bertron

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