Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tongue Ward

Tongue Ward Returns

Model: GPT-4
Write me a short story called Toungue Ward It is about a time 25 years in the future that insane asylum are brought backninto use. There is a wing of adolescents that eat the tounges of animals and humans and if they can not they eat their own or attempt to. This wing is filled with them and the contraptions, chemical and mechanical that keep them from doing so...buy some times they succeed and escape, and eat

Title: Tongue Ward

In the heart of a dystopian city, hidden behind walls of steel and stone, stood the grim monument of a bygone era - the Isolation Asylum of St. Dymphna, newly resurrected and humming with a chilling life of its own. It was a chilling place, filled with chilling people.

The building was sectioned into wings, each harboring its own unique set of patients. Yet, none was more unsettling than Ward Z - the Tongue Ward. It was a morbid haven for the ones with the unspeakable hunger, adolescents cursed with a most unholy craving: the flesh of tongues.

Ranging from the age of 12 to 18, these children were not malicious, but deeply afflicted. A genetic mutation or perhaps a product of the chaos around them, it was unclear. The disease presented itself in two stages: a burgeoning urge, followed by self-consumption if not satisfied, culminating in a desperate frenzy.

These children were restrained by an array of inventive contraptions. Collars fitted with automated restraints, ready to tighten at the detection of increased salivation. Small pumps under the skin that released pacifying chemicals, keeping their hunger at bay. Mechanical muzzles, reminiscent of medieval torture devices. For these poor souls, this was a cruel, but necessary reality.

But sometimes, the measures failed.

On one dreadful night, it happened. The ward's high-security doors creaked open. An alarm shrieked through the sterile air. An adolescent named Finch had managed to override his restraints, powered by an obsessive hunger. The remaining patients were subdued, but the fear of what Finch could do was palpable.

Once freed, Finch slipped into the city's underbelly, the darkness cloaking him from the roving spotlights of the Asylum's security. Driven by his insatiable hunger, he sought his first victim.

But Finch was not a monster, just a child suffering an affliction he never asked for. Lost in the city's labyrinth, Finch found himself standing before a homeless man named Jake, whose eyes reflected a lifetime of suffering. It was a meeting of two forsaken souls.

Despite the danger, Jake, who knew nothing of Finch's affliction, offered him shelter for the night. With the shared warmth of a fire, Jake spoke to Finch, seeing the boy beneath the affliction.

That night, the hunger came again, the urge gnawing at Finch's sanity. He looked at Jake, the man’s grizzled face peaceful in slumber, the rise and fall of his chest a comforting rhythm. But instead of fear or revulsion, Finch felt an unfamiliar emotion. Empathy. This man had shown him kindness, a beacon of humanity in a world that had labeled him a monster.

Gritting his teeth against the overwhelming urge, Finch resisted. The night passed with Jake safe and Finch's hunger unsatisfied. By morning, Finch surrendered himself to the Asylum's security, drawn by the sirens wailing in the distance.

Jake awoke to find the boy gone, leaving behind a memory and an untouched tongue. Word of Finch's resistance reached the Asylum. It sparked a glimmer of hope that empathy could potentially become a new tool in managing this macabre affliction.

Tongue Ward remained, its patients haunted by their urges. But Finch’s story spread, slowly fostering understanding in a place ruled by fear and despair. Despite the darkness, a semblance of humanity prevailed, echoing the reminder that even in the bleakest of circumstances, there is always room for compassion and growth.

Redo with no hope or happy ending...end it with...breakfast anyone?

Title: Tongue Ward

The Isolation Asylum of St. Dymphna was a grotesque anachronism, a gloomy monolith sprung from the rubble of a forsaken past. Within its austere confines, Ward Z or the Tongue Ward, housed its most peculiar inmates.

Adolescents cursed with an abhorrent craving resided here, their eyes hollow, their souls consumed by the hunger for tongues - a mutation birthed from an era saturated with relentless chaos. The very essence of the hunger was twofold, the initial urge escalating to self-cannibalization when left unsatisfied.

The confinement was strict, their necks encased in automated collars ready to tighten with a spike in salivation, pacifying chemicals released by pumps under their skin, and mechanical muzzles designed to mute their madness. Yet, these measures were not infallible.

One chilling night, a patient, Finch, slipped his restraints, the mechanical collar left ineffective against his driven desperation. The cacophonous alarm echoed through the asylum as he made his way into the dim labyrinth of the dystopian city.

In the heart of the city's underbelly, Finch stumbled upon Jake, a homeless man whose life was etched in the wrinkles on his face. The man, unknowing of Finch's affliction, offered him shelter, a brief refuge in an unforgiving world.

As the night sank into the deepest hour, the gnawing hunger returned, an insatiable beast within Finch's mind. He looked at Jake, asleep and oblivious, an easy target. A war waged within Finch, not of morals or ethics, but of a desperate need for survival.

His resistance crumbled, giving way to the innate craving. Finch lunged. The quiet of the night was torn by a gruesome symphony of struggle and despair. When the morning came, Finch, drenched in the evidence of his nocturnal feeding, returned to the asylum of his own accord, dragging his leaden feet towards the imposing structure of St. Dymphna.

Back at the asylum, the ominous quiet was shattered by the head nurse's voice echoing through the intercom. "Ward Z," she intoned, her voice dripping with the detached monotone of desensitization. "Breakfast, anyone?" As she switched off the intercom, a resigned sigh escaped her lips.

In the cold light of the morning, the true horror of Ward Z came alive, the echoes of the nurse's announcement a chilling reminder of the dystopian reality that had been crafted, and the hope that had been lost. The wheel of life and affliction turned, its course unaltered, breakfast served again in the Tongue Ward.

ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT July 20 Version

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