Friday, April 2, 2010

Vern Fern

You currently appear offline to cagedmind0531.

forrestjones2010: u there?
cagedmind0531: here now
cagedmind0531: there?
cagedmind0531: poke
forrestjones2010: here
cagedmind0531: k
forrestjones2010: lets role
cagedmind0531: alrighty
cagedmind0531: you like the movie?
forrestjones2010: got creative and wrote instead
cagedmind0531: ah ok
forrestjones2010: do you want to build someting tonight?
cagedmind0531: sure
cagedmind0531: Let's discuss where we are right now
forrestjones2010: k
cagedmind0531: So Asimov still needs the eye somehow so he'll have to get that eventually from graven.
cagedmind0531: or we could make it like an alternative that now he doesn't need
cagedmind0531: There's that then there is a golem of Iboga arriving at the city. A scene needs to be written where he is trapped in wax that doesn't seem obvious or too easy
cagedmind0531: Asimov will learn from Coral's blueprint exactly how to make the relic that can contain a soul
cagedmind0531: So what next
forrestjones2010: what if corals death print is the artifact
forrestjones2010: jat
cagedmind0531: we already went through what her deathprint was remember? a blueprint for the artifact
forrestjones2010: k
cagedmind0531: so what next
forrestjones2010: does nthat wrap up this chapter?
cagedmind0531: yeah when I am done writing the wax scene, unless you wanna write it
forrestjones2010: go ahead and finish it out
cagedmind0531: ok
cagedmind0531: so next chapter
cagedmind0531: I was thinking
cagedmind0531: What if there were warrens beneath the Gaiasphere
cagedmind0531: like a cave system
forrestjones2010: we need to review major future arcs that need to be pullled out
cagedmind0531: like what?
cagedmind0531: The continuing arc we have so far is Asimov trying to get the pieces to the relic.
cagedmind0531: or that artifact or whatever
forrestjones2010: what major events need to happen that have nor happened yet?
cagedmind0531: Eventually Asimov succeeds and destroys the world. That is near the end of the book but can happen sooner depending on how we handle it.
forrestjones2010: i want to build a sculpt of the artifact btw...later on ofcourse
forrestjones2010: destroys the whole world
forrestjones2010: poof
cagedmind0531: well the atmosphere anyway...we could build up to it like it's the end of the book then lead elsewhere after it
forrestjones2010: that is too funny
forrestjones2010: that is the scalping right?
cagedmind0531: yeah
cagedmind0531: not sure I like that term anymore though
forrestjones2010: i have always loved that idea
cagedmind0531: you want that to happen sooner or later?
forrestjones2010: later
cagedmind0531: k
cagedmind0531: so what happens next chapter
cagedmind0531: we need something big, there has kinda been a lull in surprise happenings
forrestjones2010: peyton needs development
forrestjones2010: our hero needs to do somethin heroic
cagedmind0531: hmm
forrestjones2010: axis needs to show up
forrestjones2010: The Qeust to Build the Artifact fro Corals deathprint
forrestjones2010: that could flesh out everything we need
cagedmind0531: hmm, why would Graven build it? it stores souls, why would he need it?
cagedmind0531: The idea is sound, now the application
forrestjones2010: no
forrestjones2010: he wouldnt
cagedmind0531: I like the idea of him seeking to build it
forrestjones2010: but he could be involved in stopping its construction
forrestjones2010: either way
forrestjones2010: they can all play a pay centered around that aobject
cagedmind0531: What if it's a communication device to souls and Asimov is just perverting that.
cagedmind0531: He wants to speak to Gaia
forrestjones2010: ok
cagedmind0531: just an idea
cagedmind0531: other ideas?
cagedmind0531: What if it's a prison and it's the only way to store Iboga's soul for good
cagedmind0531: A prison would allow it to double as a vessel easily
forrestjones2010: dont like prison
cagedmind0531 is typing...
cagedmind0531: hmm
forrestjones2010: what about the energy source for a new form of being or a ne city-state

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